If you’re like most people, you probably have an idea in your mind about personal training before you even begin – perhaps that it’s too confronting, scary or challenging? Maybe you’ve visited several personal training websites before, and desperately wanted to change your life for the better, but still been too afraid to pick up the phone and take the first step.
We get it. Sometimes personal training can be scary. The wrong personal trainer can make you feel intimidated and nervous, and have you not wanting to go back for another session.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. At Striders Personal Training, we take the edge off your fitness journey by providing the most comfortable and welcoming environment possible. We work with you – not just as a client, but as a friend – to help you progress and reach a level of fitness that you’re proud of.
Here are a few simple ways you can overcome your fear of personal training and shape your future at Striders:
1. Try a free consultation first
Coming in to see the studio and meet the trainers before signing up is a great way to suss out the environment and see how friendly and welcoming it is! Similarly, signing up for a free consultation will allow you to get a sense of how scary (or not scary at all) the whole process is going to be. Your trainer will give you non-judgemental feedback and answer any questions or concerns you might have.

2. Talk to your Trainer about your fears
It might be easier said than done, especially for slightly more shy folk. But opening up to your trainer about what is most confronting to you is the best way to find a solution! Maybe it’s not your trainer who intimidates you, but the other people in the studio watching? Maybe you’re nervous to use certain equipment for fear of looking funny? Let our friendly staff know so we can help you find solutions for these things. Sometimes all it takes it a simple chat.

3. Try a one-pass session
If your fears lie more within the fixed contract side of things then you’ve come to the right place! At Striders, we offer pay-per-session rates for personal training, so you aren’t locked into anything you don’t want to be. Take the first step with a single pass session and base your decision on how you feel afterwards. We offer these bargain deals because we have complete faith that you’ll enjoy yourself enough to come back.

4. Train with a friend
We all feel more comfortable around people we know, it’s a natural fact of life. When it comes to exercise, this is even more prominent, as we are doing things with our bodies that we wouldn’t normally do in front of a crowd (unless of course you’re a group fitness instructor). Training with a friend allows you to feel more at ease in the studio, and can be more motivating to get there as well!
Not quite ready to come in and meet us face to face yet? Send us an online enquiry or pick up the phone and give us a call: 0413 222 630. We promise you won’t regret it!