Want to lose weight or tone up but don’t want to waste hundreds on a gym membership? Here are ten reasons why we think personal training is a far better option for your body and bank account.
1. It’s much more motivating
When you’re not feeling motivated to get up and go to the gym, and you don’t have a particular reason to – why should you? This mentality is the reason behind a lot of people’s failed weight loss attempts or fitness goals. When you book a personal training session, you won’t just be letting yourself down when you decide to stay home and eat chips – you’ll be disappointing someone who is ready to help you.
2. You’ll be given a warm welcome
If you’re new to the working out scene, booking a personal training session is the best way to kickstart your fitness infatuation. We’ll start with the basics that are going to give you the best results and work our way up from there. Our trainers are friendly, approachable and very supportive. Plus, we offer a free consultation session.
3. No contracts, memberships or joining fees
I know what you’re thinking – crazy, huh? At Striders, we pride ourselves on knowing you’ll be satisfied enough to come back, so we eliminate the need for pricey joining fees and membership contracts.
4. You will save money
Not only will you save on hefty sign up fees, but you’ll also save more money in the long run. The weight loss to money spent ratio will be well and truly in your favour!
5. You won’t have to wait for equipment
There’s nothing worse than having a routine all worked out and then walking into a full gym with people on every piece of equipment you need to use. Personal training eliminates this problem as the trainers will work together to make sure they integrate different machines into each client’s daily session.
6. There’s a low chance of injury
Accidents happen all the time at bigger gyms. If there are thirty people in a gym and only three staff members, it will be physically impossible to keep an eye on everyone. At smaller personal training studios you’ll have a constant eye on you (in a non-creepy way, of course) and assistance when you need. That’s right – it’s not just famous people who get bodyguards!
7. You won’t feel judged
We’ve all been there. You walk into a gym full of people twice as toned or buff as you, and suddenly you feel like there are a thousand judging eyes staring your way. Striders is an entirely judgement-free zone because we know that not one single body is the same!
8. You get ongoing assessments and regular Progress updates
Not operating in a crowded gym environment allows us to bring true merit and value to the word “personal”, in personal training. With regular fitness assessments taken and documented by your trainer, you’ll feel like you can conquer your goals one step at a time.
9. You get one-on-one Training and Support
While most gyms do have personal trainers who you can book a session with, it hardly competes with the continual support and encouragement provided by a private personal trainer. Our trainers will be by your side, every step of the way, to encourage, teach and train you at an intensity that echoes your level of fitness.
10. Because the people say so!
Don’t trust our word? Hear what other like-minded folk are saying about us.
Striders Personal Training offers tailored personal training programs, delivered by nationally accredited trainers. Are you ready to stride? Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you.