21 Day Time to Start - $197

Jon Connell

25kg down, increased energy and vitality has lead to a better family and work life.

Book your free consultation
Male Striders Personal Trainer with a smiling female client

Studio: Petrie | Trainer: Bernard Dolezal

Fitter and stronger

“I was stuck in an unmotivational headspace of “I need to do something” & “I’ll start tomorrow’s!

Then my wife got me a gift certificate for Striders, which I accepted gratefully, but presumed wouldn’t be the answer to my problems…it’s too expensive to go to a PT, right?

Wrong…I’m the fittest I’ve been in 20yrs and possibly the strongest I’ve ever been. The price is extremely doable, the environment is friendly and family oriented and the support is unparalleled.”*

With the help of Striders I’ve lost an impressive 25kg!

“I’m not sure where I’d be today without Striders, but I know where I am with them…much fitter, much healthier and my family life and work life are much better for the increased energy and vitality I have.”*



More Success Stories

  • Samantha Baxter

    "20kg down, with her health and fitness back on track, working out has never been so fun."

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  • Jon Connell

    "25kg down, increased energy and vitality has lead to a better family and work life."

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  • Josh O'Rourke

    "Down 15kg, life is now easier and much more rewarding."

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