21 Day Time to Start - $197

Naomi Lee-Hong

Naomi, down 8.3 kg, and looking trimmed — toned — terrific

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Male Striders Personal Trainer with a smiling female client

With Striders I was able to achieve my healthy weight, increase strength and build lean muscle

“I joined Striders, in 2019, after trying other gyms and never finding one that was quite the right fit. One of my favourite things about Striders Personal Training is the friendly atmosphere; people all support and encourage each other regardless of what stage of fitness you are at…”*

The Personal Training is amazing here at Striders

“Jodie, Damien and their staff are so knowledgeable and keep me on track with enjoyable, challenging and varied workouts. Combine this with being able to use the gym on my own, group classes, regular body scans and helpful nutrition advice – I was able to achieve the goals I set myself.

If you are considering joining a local gym, I highly recommend Striders Personal Training.”*



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  • Allison Welch

    "10kg down, in shock at how her life has changed for the better."

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  • Debbie Morrissey

    "Down 35kg, seeing massive changes and loving working out."

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  • Michael Cowling

    "It’s impressive that Striders achieve results in such an awesome environment."

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