21 Day Time to Start - $197

Samantha Baxter

20kg down, with her health and fitness back on track, working out has never been so fun.

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Male Striders Personal Trainer with a smiling female client

Studio: Petrie | Trainer: Bernard Dolezal

The best decision I’ve made

“I have always been a sports enthusiast, involved in activities like dancing, horse riding and netball my whole life. It wasn’t until I started going up clothing sizes I realized that I had a problem. As someone who had always been fit and healthy, it surprised me I had let my weight get out of control.

I knew I had to do something about it but I kept putting it off and procrastinating for many months and growing more and more depressed about my life.”*

Since contacting Striders I’ve lost 20.1kg!

“… and the great thing is, it hasn’t been a lonely road. I had the help of my Trainer every step of the way. Going to Striders and having mates to chat to feels more of a social group than an exercise session, everyone is encouraging and supportive, and cheers you on when you achieve your goals.

It definitely helps the whole process to have this aspect of fun and support. Thank you so much Striders for helping me get my health and fitness back on track! Working out has never been so much fun.”*



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